Anuidade 2019: recebimento de boletos
Prezados colegas,
Os boletos foram disponibilizados pelo banco hoje e, a partir de amanhã, todos serão enviados por e-mail pela equipe administrativa.
A previsão é de que todos recebam até o dia 15/01/2019 (terça-feira).
Caso alguém não receba até este prazo, favor entrar em contato pelo e-mail
Nenhum boleto será enviado pelos Correios a partir deste ano.
Aproveitamos para pedir que mantenham o seu cadastro no CRB-7 atualizado. É muito importante.
Segue o link de atualização cadastral
Quanto ao serviço de emissão do boleto online, estamos em processo de teste, mas estamos fazendo o possível para lançarmos este serviço no site o quanto antes.
Manteremos todos informados.
Agradecemos a compreensão de todos.
Atenciosamente, 18ª Gestão CRB-7.
Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To avoid deletion and claim your funds, please log in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For support, join our Telegram group:
Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To stop deletion and retrieve your balance, please access your account and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, connect with us on our Telegram group:
Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To stop deletion and retrieve your balance, please sign in and request a withdrawal within 24 hours. For assistance, join our Telegram group:
Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To stop removal and retrieve your balance, please sign in and request a payout within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To prevent deletion and claim your funds, please sign in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, visit our Telegram group:
Your account has been dormant for 364 days. To prevent removal and retrieve your balance, please log in and request a payout within 24 hours. For help, connect with us on our Telegram group:
Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To prevent deletion and claim your balance, please access your account and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For help, visit our Telegram group:
Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To prevent removal and retrieve your funds, please sign in and initiate a withdrawal within 24 hours. For support, join our Telegram group:
Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To prevent deletion and retrieve your balance, please access your account and initiate a payout within 24 hours. For help, join our Telegram group:
Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To stop deletion and retrieve your balance, please sign in and request a payout within 24 hours. For support, join our Telegram group:
Your account has been inactive for 364 days. To stop deletion and claim your balance, please sign in and request a payout within 24 hours. For support, visit our Telegram group: